Words for the Wise
Almost 900 quotations selected specifically for high school and college students.
The problem with finding the right quote to illustrate or enliven a point in an essay or term paper, is that either you need to be vaguely aware of the specific quotation in question and so only need to check the exact wording or attribution; or you have to wade through dozens of suggestions from your search engine of choice.
This collection is a filtered list of quotes, short enough to be skimmed in advance, so you can be sufficiently familiar with the content to know that, yes, there is a suitable phrase or longer extract that could be used in this particular situation.
Beyond this, between these covers lies a treasury of wit and wisdom to be enjoyed and, occasionally, to be reflected upon from authors from J.K. Rowling to Chelsea Handler, Nora Ephron, Hunter S. Thompson and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
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